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A Bit About Me

I am just like you having experienced the same or similar things…


For as long as I can remember…

I have always had ‘crazy’ big dreams and goals. When I would share these thoughts with those around me, they would usually be met with curious stares, condescending chuckles or statements like, that’s just silly! 

My feelings and understanding of the world around me, only served to highlight my incompatibility with my surroundings. In a desperate effort to feel “normal” I would copy the thoughts ideals and likes of those around me, starting with my family and then as I grew older, continuing with friends and acquaintances. 


Being the people pleaser that I was, many of my life choices were made simply to appease those closest to me.

My desire to fit in only served as fuel to justify shrinking myself to fit into this box of expectations created by the people around me. When I got pregnant with my first daughter, it was around the same time, I was supposed to go to college.

Needless to say, this caused a major uproar with my family and friends who seemed to all echo the sentiments that the pursuit of my big dreams was over because I had new responsibilities. And at the time because their opinions were so convincing, I pushed my dreams aside and went on to live the “acceptable” life prescribed by them.

While I made this decision, because I felt it was what I should do, with each passing day I grew further away from my true self, I stopped living deliberately and just started floating with wherever the current took me. I was living an inauthentic life.

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Thankfully however…

…my turning point happened when I was faced with the impending failure of my second marriage. This led me to take a long hard look at myself, which resulted in the realization that I was stressed and unhappy with myself. And the source of my unhappiness was living life for others instead of myself.

My unhappy, stressful state called for a drastic change. I needed to stop making decisions because it was what other people thought was right or acceptable and started making decisions for my own wellbeing, happiness and inner peace.

By using many of the coaching techniques I now use to help others, I was able to stop myself from wallowing in self-pity and decided on a course of action for my life. I was no longer going to be dependent on others for my happiness. I was going to finally live my authentic truth!

It is because of my very own journey to authentic living why I am now a Certified Life Coach and NLP Practitioner, on a mission to help other women step into their authentic self.


What exactly is authentic living, you may ask?


It means living life on your terms and not as dictated by others (or society/culture). It means creating a life that you love and living it based on your heart’s calling.

Are you ready to leave your leave your 9-5 job and start business that you are passionate about, but you are afraid of what others may say?

Are you ready to learn a new skill or trade but have been told that “we” do not do that or that it “does not make sense”?

Maybe you just want to have the confidence to set boundaries and make decisions based on your heart’s desires without feeling guilty!

Well I am here to walk with you and support you with proven psychologically based techniques, on one of the most satisfying and fulfilling journey’s you will ever embark upon, the journey towards reclaiming your personal autonomy.

If you are ready to make that next step towards living the life of our dreams, then go ahead and schedule your Complimentary Enlightenment Session today and let’s take the first steps towards a happier, healthier authentic YOU!